It's been a little while, but there really hasn't been anything new or exciting to post. I have been able to enjoy feeling good and not having chemo. My hair is continuing to grow. Work is going well and life feels back to normal. On April 11th, I had the first visit to the radiologist since the consultation appointment and I was measured for radiation treatments. They had me lay on a table and took measurements and drew x's on clear stickers on my chest. They lined up laser beams and made a pillow mold for my head to rest in so that I am always in the same position. That was it. From the sound of it, the worst side effect will be a sun-burn-like irritation to my skin at the site. I can handle that.
On the 18th I had my first treatment. They had to take a few x-rays before doing the actual treatment, so it took a little longer than it typically would. The following day I went in again. When I lay on the table, the song, "Call Me" by Blondie came on. I was done just as the song was ending. Quick and painless. I have five more weeks of this, daily. The stickers are still on, but they said they'd give me dot tattoos after the first few treatments, once they knew for sure everything was lining up as it should be. I'm actually looking forward to knowing how the tattoo gun will feel.
I have to give credit to the great employees at CDH Cancer Center in Warrenville. I would never wish cancer on anyone, but I highly recommend the place if anyone ever is diagnosed. The nurses and technicians in both the chemo and radiation departments are wonderful! They are the kind of people that make me think, "I could see myself hanging out with these people." I really think I'll miss them when I won't see them anymore. I used to think I'd get sick of that place, but to date, that has not been the case.
For anyone who didn't see the news on Facebook, our family got a new addition on March 11th. The boys got a furry, four-legged little sister, Luna. She is a Shitzu/Chihuahua/Terrier mix and the cutest little wiry, white puppy with tan spots and ears. We love her! Well, most of us do. Beni takes no responsibility for her since he didn't want her (though he does let her out once in a while) and Frankie likes her one minute but is jealous of her and hates her the next. She has a super-sweet disposition and like her "mama" she loves napping, especially in the sunshine! She's my snuggle-buddy.
Hopefully radiation will go on without a hitch, but I will try to update again in the next couple of weeks.