I can't believe that the last time I posted was in April! Where has the time gone? Now that my treatment is almost done, and I look back at this year, it seems to have FLOWN by! Thank goodness! Part of the reason that I haven't posted more often was technical difficulties and being unable to log on to my personal blogspot account due to a second blog I started for school. Regardless, here is an update.
Raditation ended at the end of May. It was a simple, painless process that left me with a tan square around my right breast and a somewhat bad burn under my right armpit that fortunately cleared up in time for me to wear a one shoulder dress for my nephew's wedding on June 16th. I had to use a vaseline-like cream on my breasts every day to keep the skin soft and supple.
Again, the people at the CDH Cancer Center in Warrenville were outstanding! I never got tired of going there, even though it was an every weekday occurrence. They are so friendly and positive and throughout this entire process, if I've learned anything, it's that staying positive is key!
My summer was quiet and relaxing. I still went for infusions of Herceptin every three weeks but there are not side-effects with this medicine and it IS my life-saver. Because of it, my tumor shrunk down to nothing before my mastectomy. In mid-August, I went back to my plastic surgeon and he was impressed at how great my skin looked thanks to daily doses of the vaseline-like cream, which I hated using because it was sticky and gross, but obviously did its job. At that point we scheduled reconstruction surgery for September 18th.
I was a little worried that after the surgery my "Summer of Freedom" would be over. I was able to go bra-less since January and it was AWESOME! I thought the new breasts would be jigglier, but really they are not and I will be able to continue to go bra-less if I choose! Yay! Gotta take the perks wherever you can find 'em!
The surgery went well and my surgeon was especially excited with my results. I saw "the new girls" for the first time yesterday and they do look pretty good. The surgery involved getting the rock-hard expanders removed, putting in the permanent implants which are garaunteed for the next 30 years, a little liposuction to remove some belly fat to use around the implants to make them look more natural. I currently have two drains which must stay in for about a week. Fingers crossed that they can come out on Monday and I can go back to work on Wednesday. I have to keep my the stitches below each breast dressed and clean but those should dissolved on their own. I have stitches in a few places on my upper chest where the surgeon injected the belly fat, and those will be removed in his office in a couple of weeks. Therefore, I still look a little like Frankenstein, but when the stitches are gone and the marker drawings washed off, I will post a before and after pic - in a tank top of course!
At my Sept. 13th Herceptin infusion, I learned that my next visit will be my last! After that, all I will need is to get my nipples tattooed and I will be DONE!
When I think about all that has happened in the last year, it blows my mind. At this time, one year ago, I was bald and feeling sick every weekend. I sometimes become nauseated just remembering. I am so grateful for all the support and love I got throughout this journey. I will be missing the Walk for the Cure this year - only because it is happening this weekend and I didn't know how I'd feel to walk a 5K after surgery - but get those donations ready for next fall!