Monday, January 9, 2012

Will Work for Implants

So, last week we got our bill from the visit to the plastic surgeon. I'm going to have you guess how much it was for, but here is some more information, so you can make an educated guess:

This was the first time we set eyes on this man. The appointment was basically a consultation to meet with the doctor that my breast surgeon and oncologist recommended to do my reconstructive surgery after the mastectomy. We were probably in the office no more than 30 to 45 minutes and we were in the physical presence of the plastic surgeon for 20 minutes tops and that is being really generous. He explained the procedure and looked at and felt my boobs for maybe 60 seconds. Now, I am not saying that his job isn't important, or trying to downplay his expertise, but I do not think that in any way was our time with this man worth this much money. I shudder to think what the price tag will be when I have to go in weekly to get my "spacers" filled and thank God for insurance because the cost of two surgeries could probably buy me a small island in the Caribbean!

So, did you guess? If not, do so now. My short, informal appointment cost $400. Luckily, we only had to pay $15. but still I find it absolutely ridiculous. As Beni said, "I got into the wrong profession!" Granted, I could never have become a surgeon - I couldn't cut into the frog in high school biology class, let alone another human being, but even if I could have, I can't imagine making that much money for less than half an hour of work! Let's say he sees three patients an hour for six hours a day. That would mean he makes $7,200. a day. I make that in about two months if not more! That's not including surgeries that I'm sure he does weekly! Yikes!

So, unlike Beni who feels he should have become a doctor, I have to look at things more realistically. I didn't have the good grades in science to get me there, so instead, I should have hung out with more pre-med majors and MARRIED a doctor!

Seriously, though, I have to ask why. Does he charge this just because he can? All I did was sit in a room. The only cost was for the cleaning of the gown I wore and the paper that had to be replaced on the patient table after I left the room. What about that appointment cost $400.? Is it his expertise? His charm and good looks? Why isn't my expertise as a teacher worth as much?

I'll just end by saying again how grateful I am for good insurance. Thank you District 204 for having Blue Cross/Blue Shield and for covering our butts. If it wasn't for them, my family would be out on the streets. You'd see me on the median of New York Ave. and Rt. 59 with a cardboard sign, "Will work for implants." : )

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