Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where can I get one of those?

Over the past two weeks, I have witnessed fashion trends at my school that should be arrested by the fashion police and condemned by the judges of good sense. I wish I could include photos of these items, but I could not find images on Google of such atrocities. I'll try to describe them as best I can.

The first item was worn by a grown woman who walked past me in the main hallway about a week ago. She was with a teenage boy, so she must have been the proud mom of one of East High's finest. She wore a knee length pancho. But it wasn't any old pancho. It was a blanket pancho. You know those fuzzy blankets you see Chicago Bears fans wearing at games when it's 7 below? Well, imagine a pancho made out of one of those blankets. It gets worse. On this lovely piece of outerwear was - I kid you not - an image of Al Pacino as Scarface, on the front and back! The image was so large it resembled a movie poster hanging in a movie theater. Ridiculous. I can't even venture a guess where one might purchase an article of clothing such as this.

Conversely, I CAN imagine where one might purchase the next item. Today, in my last class of the day, a young lady strolled in wearing a Robert Taylor Projects t-shirt. For those of you who do not live in the Chicagoland area, let me tell you what that is. It is exactly what it sounds like. Projects. As in housing projects in Chicago. The shirt was black with a graphic of the building and proud white letters above and below the image. The young woman, wore it with a flourish, the collar had been cut a la Flashdance (but not so 80's) and it was tied at the waist in a cute little knot. I assume I can grab one of those at the Robert Taylor Projects or one of it's many surrounding souvenier shops since it is such the tourist attraction. Proceeds go to support the children of crackhead mamas and help supply bail bonds. I think when I go, I'll get the version that says, "My extended family live in the Robert Taylor Projects and all they brought me was this dumb-a** tshirt."

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