Friday, February 13, 2009

On Your Mark . . Get Set . . . Lactate!

This is a story I couldn't resist. One of my colleagues, C, told me this one in the English office this week. It was too good not to share, and I am posting it with her blessing.

C teaches a Speech class in the evenings for a group of students who are taking it as an independent study since they didn't have room in their schedules. During class C was telling her students about a time in the past when some women from La Leche League came to speak in one of her classes (I think it had something to do with living different lifestyles). She asked the students if they knew what La Leche League was. They had no idea.

C: Okay. Some of you speak Spanish. What does it sound like it might be?
Student 1: Well, leche means milk.
C: Right. So La Leche League is a group of women that breast feed.
Student 2: So, you mean, like, it's a competition?

Speech text: $50. . . Extra pay for teaching a class at night, $0. . . Hysterical student comments- PRICELESS!

1 comment:

Mishelle said...

Simply amazing!! You really should write a book of your experieces at that school!