Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ding Ding - Round 2

Today, I began the second round of chemotherapy. It is the first of 12 weekly treatments, so if you count my previous four treatments, I am one quarter of the way done. Woo hoo.

This round is less toxic and I no longer have the chemical that upset my sinuses. The only down side of the treatment itself was the length of time I was there - 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Quite a stretch, though next time it shouldn't take so long. One drug I am being given is Taxol, which can cause bone achiness and tingly, numb extremities. I will also feel more tired with this drug. This is what I will be watching out for. Hopefully, the side-effects will take their time in coming, like the first round, if they show up at all. Let's all hope for the latter. The second treatment I'm getting is Herceptin which is side-effect free. After the 12 weeks of Taxol, I will continue to get Herceptin for a year. In that time my hair will grow back! Yay! Something to look forward to.

Sitting in the chair was fine, though I had been dreading it since my nausea following the last treatment. It was a good day. I dropped the boys off at school at 9 and went to my appt. Got comfy in the chair. Graded 1st hour's Beowulf essays and started on 7th hour. I took a break to eat lunch - which was free thanks to the hospital. Had a nice chicken salad sandwich and a Ceasar salad from Atlanta Bread Co. and watched some HGTV for a while. My nurse was the 4th Laura (the only one I hadn't had so far). There are four of them working there and every time I get one of the Lauras I can't help but think this is God's way of reminding me my sister Laura would be there with me if she could be. When treatment was over, I was able to make it just in time to pick up the boys after grabbing a McDonald's Sweet Tea.

So, obviously all of your prayers are working for me and I am so, so, so appreciative, but I want to ask you for one more. Yesterday, I found out that my mom had an accident at work and fell and broke her leg. It's a pretty bad break, in her femur, near her hip. She is having surgery this afternoon to add a metal rod and pins for stability. She will be in the hospital for a few days and then rehab of some sort. Being 1) far away and 2) unable to be there even if I wanted to go, makes me feel helpless, so asking you all for your prayers is the least I can do for her. She will appreciate a fast-lane ride to recovery as well. Thanks.

One day at a time.


Tammy and Mark said...

So glad you are doing well. So sorry to hear about your mom!!! Love to you all.

anna Tringali said...

I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well with all these ugly/bad drugs going into your body,hope Rittucia recovers soon I will call her this weekend hopefully she will be able to talk. Hugs and kisses to you and your boys (all three of them) Love you

Suvii said...

Glad to hear your treatments are going well, Frannie.... think of you everyday. And oh so bummed to hear about your mom's accident. Will pray for her to have a speedy recovery!