Sunday, October 9, 2011

Feeling better

Just a quick update to let you know that I am feeling FAR better in comparison to Monday and Tuesday this week. As a matter of fact, I felt well enough to go to a movie with a friend last night to see The Help, and today Beni and I took the boys to the church carnival for about an hour. Just running little errands makes me tired, but at least I am getting out there and doing them. Tomorrow, since we all have the day off, I am hoping to get my glasses repaired at LensCrafters and maybe get an eye exam for Frankie.

A new and unwelcome side effect that has made its way into my life - mouth sores. I've had them before here and there, but these are definitely chemo mouth sores that make eating, which can seem flavorless and dull, even less enjoyable. I looked up some remedies online and mouth wash is one that I liked the results of. Here is a job for my loyal fan base: What do you do to relieve mouth sores?


Anna said...

Hi Fran, we have a rinse at my work that works great for mouth sores that my dentist prescribes called Peridex, you should check with your Dentist and MD to see if you can use it also hot salt water rinses do help check with your dentist. Hugs and kisses -Love you
Anna and Paul

Tammy and Mark said...

I am so glad that you are feeling better, and were able to get out and about! Hopefully your day goes well tomorrow and you can get the stuff you want done and find time to relax!!!
I have heard B-vitamins help prevent them and get them to heal faster. Also, there is a "Magic Mouth Wash" which has benadryl, Maalox, and lidocaine mixed in that numbs the sores and helps them heal a bit faster too. Because of the lidocaine it is only Prescription. Good Luck!

Francesca said...

Thanks! Gonna look into both of those!