Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold is cold

While my family in California are enjoying temperatures in th e 70's, I am home from work today since the temperature was -17 this morning, with a wind chill factor of -35 and school was cancelled. The high for the day is estimated at -1. Just thought I'd take a picture of the snow covered patio furniture on our deck. Rather ironic, isn't it?
As a California girl, who never experienced temps colder than 30 before moving here, I can tell those of you in sunny California this - cold is cold. I honestly cannot detect the difference between 20 above and one below. It stings the nose and bites the toes, but you're never out for very long. Just the time it takes to go from one heated building to a heated car and back into another heated building.
Ya know what? I actually LOVE it! I wouldn't trade my cold, snowy winters back for blah 60 degree Bay Area days for anything!

1 comment:

Mishelle said...

Wow! Interesting to hear you say that you wouldn't trade it! As an Iowa born and bred girl...I'm thinking that somewhere warm sounds great right about now!! More than the cold though is the bundling up of 4 little bodies every day to go from the heated car to the heated school. I was actually a little relieved to avoid that today even though it meant that they would be trashing my house all day!!