Ever since I had to shave my head in late August because the chemo was causing my hair to fall out, I felt like I looked like a witch. It finally occurred to me why I thought this. It all stemmed from my favorite childhood television show, Sesame Street. I recalled a little sketch that I'd seen probably about a thousand times between the ages of two and ten (I have two younger siblings), when Sesame Street was "brought to me by the letter W" about a witch named Wanda who takes off her wig to show a spiky bald head. Well, having what some people call "Google-heimers", which is when you think of something you want to look up on the internet and then forget what it was by the time you get to a computer, it took me until now to find the clip. Here it is for you - the reason I felt like a bald witch:
A lot of people have asked, so I assume that a lot more are curious. They want to know, when you lose your hair on your head, do you lose your hair everywhere? The answer is yes and no. I can't speak for everyone, but personally, I lost hair everywhere - yes, everywhere - except for my arms. Don't ask me why the hair on my arms did not fall off, but it didn't. Eyebrows, eyelashes, legs, armpits - gone. Best. Brazilian. Ever.
It is starting to grow back ever so slowly. For the past month and a half or so the hair on my head has been growing in. It is a super-fine, downy-soft fuzz that the chemo nurses tell me is just the beginning of new hair growth. The really toxic chemo I had in my first round which made the hair fall out in the first place has worn off and since the second round chemo isn't as toxic as the first, it has started coming back in. Once I finish chemo completely - one more appointment- then real hair - not just feathery-soft stuff - will start to come in.
The unfortunate part of my re-growth is that my hair is coming in totally gray. I have had to color my grays for years and in that time I have said that I would bet that if I stopped dying my hair it would be totally gray, and guess what? I was right! If there is any dark hair left, it is all in the back. What I can see when I look in the mirror is gray and right around my face - totally white. Thanks to my late Nonna Carmela for passing on that gene! Take a look:
It's so fine, that it's hard to see:

And an even closer look:

I saw it in the first picture....Yay, it's growing back! You look beautiful with or without hair Fran. I hope you had a great Christmas and 2012 has great things in store for you. Remember you are loved by alot of people and you are a huge inspiration to us all. Lots of love to you, Beni and the boys.
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Thanks loong! I do have a wig that I got for free from the American Cancer Society that I really like. I actually got it before I lost my hair so that I'd be ready. I wear it to work every day and when I go "out and about". Hopefully it won't be long before I won't need to wear it anymore. Around the house I like to wear knit caps just to keep my head warm and so that I won't scare the neighborhood kids who come over to play. Thanks for the tip, though. Appreciate it.
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