This has been a slow blogging week simply because I have been feeling really good - pre-cancer normal, in fact. Feeling this way has made me realize that teaching will not be as big of a challenge as I had first anticipated. In fact, being at work on my normal days has been a great thing, helping me to forget there is anything wrong with me. I haven't taken a nausea pill or Extra-strength Tylenol all week! I haven't needed a nap all week either! These are all great signs. Of course, I realize that this may change, and if it does, come what may, but if it keeps up at this pace, kicking cancer in the butt will be as easy as 1-2-3! I just keep repeating my new mantra, "One day at a time."
My next chemo treatment is on Thursday of this week. That means I have a few more days of feeling good before the cruddy feeling returns. I will take a half day on Thursday to go to my treatment and am hoping to work on Friday with the help of the nausea meds. Friday I will go for my Neulasta shot and then feel icky through the weekend. Luckily, Monday is the Labor Day holiday and that will give me an extra recovery day without having to call in sick. If I feel well Tuesday, I will go to work, if not, that is only one sick day and then hopefully I can work the next 8 work days through till the next treatment. That's my plan anyway.
Today marks Day 12 since my first treatment and it is typically Day 14 when the hair loss begins. I am waiting. So far, I have only noticed an ever-so-slight difference in the hairs that come loose as I blow dry and style my hair. Beni will tell you that I have always "shed like a dog", so seeing hairs on the bathroom floor when I am done has never been a shocker. All last week, I have left my hair curly, afraid that pulling a round, bristle brush through my hair to straighten it would only cause more hair to come out, but I really don't like my hair curly, so Saturday, having the time to spend, I straightened it. As I said, not much more than usual came loose, and it was just strands - not big clumps.
Waiting for your hair to fall out is strange. Every morning, when I get out of bed, I look at the pillow to see if anything got left behind. Every time I run my hand through my hair, I am afraid of what may happen. A part of me is ready to shave it all off and end the wait, but then again, I think if I were to do that, I would be the rare exception whose hair didn't fall out until Day 21 and I'd have shaved my head for nothing. Therefore, I am waiting it out. I am crossing my fingers that a small bit falls out during the day, with recurrences through the afternoon so that I can shave it off in the evening and simply start the next day with my wig. Waking up and having it fall out will be nightmarish, since Beni leaves for work before I get up. I dread the thought of going to work with bald patches on my head, though I'm sure everyone would understand. I doubt it happens that way anyway, but the mystery of it all is worrisome.
Maybe by my next post I will be sharing a photo of the new, bald and beautiful me. In the meantime, here is something to remember my hair by (please ignore the grays, I can't justify coloring them when they are about to fall out):
1 comment:
You are just as beautiful as I remember Fran! I'm so glad you are feeling so well! You are in my daily prayers! Love ya.
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