It. Is. Done. Forty-two years of hair sits in the garbage can. I have never been bald - ever! I was born with a full head of nice dark hair and have had it since. Until today. Today, I am not quite bald, but a #1 buzz, ala G.I. Jane. The cancer reading material recommends leaving a little around as to not irritate your scalp.
Beni was very sweet and asked me about fifteen times if I really wanted to this because we could wait. I knew it had to get done, yet I couldn't help but shed tears before, during and after. As I sat in the kitchen chair and Beni hacked away with the scissors, I felt like a Holocaust Jew in the movie Schindler's List. (I guess it doesn't help that we are starting a Holocaust novel in class right now.) The boys watched intermittently and thought it was weird, but were really good about the whole thing.
When the ordeal was over, Beni cleaned up and I went and took a shower and got all the hair off. I tried on the wig and trimmed the bangs. Not sure they are where they need to be, but better too long than too short.
If you dare, scroll down to see what I look like sans hair. It's definitely bizarre, but what they hell - if any of you asked, I'd show you, so why not post some pics and have some fun!

Eat your heart out Sinead O'Connor! Actually, I look more like Beverly from "The Voice".
You look great! I know it must be hard to go through all of this but your great attitude is going to make things much easier! We are all rooting for you and you continue to be in our prayers!
Fran-You look beautiful as ever. I love your optimistic attitude during this time. Kick ass Fran!!! Te amo!!
i cried, I laughed and laughed and laughed. You have a very nice shaped head :)
Love the one of you and beni. True, true, true love.
kick ass francesca.
Fran, I love that you are not letting the fact that your is gone, gone, gone is not letting you down. I love you...with or without hair you are as beautiful as ever inside and out. Love u cousin!
Had a little cry...because you are so damn beautiful...
Love you
Beauty in the very essence of the word is internal, the perception of beauty is not what we look like but what who we are, the obstacles the universe places upon us teach us how to be better ourselves, only god know their purpose. but one thing is undeniable,you look amazing fran, <3
Fran - I have been following your blog since Eric emailed with Beni. We are praying for you each day!!!!! Our cousin works at Central DuPage and she said she would highly recommend going there. My sister was a patient there recently and got top notch care. Will pray that everything will fall into place with work and treatment!!!! The girls send their prayers too!
Kim M.
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