Thursday, September 8, 2011

God, I work in a great place

Today, I left my school building overcome with tears of emotion. I work in a school building that often gets a bad rep. It's in a low-income area, we have low test scores and gangs. So far this semester I have quickly fallen in love with the new students in my classes. They have been supportive and sweet in learning about and dealing with my cancer. I am blessed to work with such great kids.

This afternoon, as I was packing my things to go home, I noticed a girl in the hallway outside my room. She looked familiar, but I couldn't recall her name (not unusual from year to year, for me anyway). Finally, she came in and said, "I don't know if you remember me, but I was in your study hall last year. I heard that you have cancer. I'm a Christian and I was wondering if I could pray for you."

I told her I did remember her. I did, after all, recognize her, though I may not have remembered her name. I told her I welcome any prayers anyone wants to pray for me. She asked if I would mind if she prayed with me right then and there. I closed the classroom door and we stood to the side of my classroom, and this sweet, little Latina girl prayed the most heartfelt and emotion-filled prayer to God, asking to look over me and heal me. I was moved to tears and when she was finished I gave her a big hug and thanked her.

THAT is why I work at East Aurora High School. One kid in one study hall cared enough about me to come and say a prayer for me. At East High our students may not get the best grades or highest ACT scores, but, damn it, they have the biggest hearts in the world! I may not like decisions that are handed down to us from the central office and I may not agree with the Board of Education, but the kids who come through our doors are some of the best kids anyone one in the field of education could ask for. I LOVE my students!


Tammy and Mark said...

Wow! Brought tears to my eyes. I am glad that so many people are thinking and praying for you. I know God is listening! Love you much.

JZ said...

If it weren't for the students there wouldn't be much to go into work for. The students are great and I know there are many in the junior and senior class with HUGE hearts! Tell your juniors I say hello! I am so glad to hear your challenges are being cradled with love of all those near you. You are in my daily prayers FM. Love you!

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful. You are blessed


Julie said...

That is a great story, Fran. We do have the kindest, most compassionate students.