Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bald is Beautiful Week 1

Thanks for all the loving and positive responses to my last entry. I know I am more than just my hair but all of your reminders helped me get over the anxiety of having a shaved head. My first day at work wearing a wig went well. My students had been warned that it would happen sometime that week, so they were all supportive. I got lots of complements from both students and staff alike. On the second day, one former male student came up to me with another former female student and asked me, "Why do you look weird?" The girl said, "Why would you say that?" I told them both that I have cancer and that I was wearing a wig and that might be why I looked different. The girl was shocked and gave me a hug. Then I looked to the boy and said, "So, do you still think I look weird?" He said, "Yeah." Knowing him, I was unphased. It was typical of that kid. At least my weird is temporary. Don't know if I can say the same for him. : )

On the first day of wig-wearing, I had the strange experience of not having my hair move naturally with my head as I turned left and right to back out of my driveway. I was jonesing to get it off as soon as possible. Two hours before the end of the school day, I started counting the minutes. Each day has gotten easier. At home, I wear cotton hats so as not to scare any neighborhood kids who come to the back door. I sleep bald, which was also a little hard to get used to. My bristly head against the pillow was a strange sensation.

I had my second chemo treatment on Thursday and was in the chair from 1:30 until 6:15. Crazy long time, but it was fine. The nurses are all really nice and the chair is comfy. I had time to grade one class's writing samples, read some prayer cards that people have sent or given me, and then watch a little news and HGTV. My only complaint was that my neighbors were a little louder than I would have liked. Why do people scream into cell phones? I was able to drive myself to and from.

Yesterday, the boys and I went in for my Neulasta shot which is a quick 15 minutes ordeal. Weight, blood pressure, temperature and oxygen check and then a shot. After that we picked up California Pizza Kitchen on the way home for my Friday night date with my girlfriends and went home to meet them. My friends and I enjoyed dinner and conversation and the boys got to play with their friends and everyone was happy.

Today I felt okay until I started taking sheets off the beds and felt achy in my shoulders and back. I took some trusty Tylenol and feel much better. Gonna take it easy now and grade some more papers and prepare for the week at work. I am hoping to be back to work on Tuesday for a half day before my next oncologist appt. at 12:30. We'll see how that goes. I'll fill you in again then.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

You are amazing at juggling so many things.....emotionally and physically. Whenever I feel lazy, I think about you and the laziness goes are an inspiration. Ok, take care xxooet