Friday, October 10, 2008

Let Me Explain

I love to write. As an English teacher, that isn't surprising. I also love to tell stories about my experiences - especially the cute and amusing ones I get from my children - both biological and educational. I had never really considered starting a blog until I became so addicted to my friend Jennifer's. I would post discussions to my family's web page at but I didn't think enough family members were reading them.

I recently did a shameful thing. I created a Facebook account at the encouragement of my sister who said a lot of our family had accounts there. Once on Facebook I became addicted and I have to say I really love it. There are more adults on it than I expected. I have had more contact with my far away relatives than ever before AND I came in contact with some long lost friends, one of whom I had lost touch with and had no way of finding! As Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing." Anyway, on Facebook, there is a way to connect your blog site to your Facebook page. I wanted to add my discussions from the family page, but it wouldn't let me, so here I am, creating a "real" blog.

So, to ensure that my previous ideas got the attention I feel they deserve, I cut and pasted them from my family site to my blog. That explains why the previous blogs were all submitted on the same date. I don't like to write THAT much!

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