Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Treatment Plan

Today we met with my oncologist, Dr. Ferris. A little later than expected, but we met her. When the surgeon's office called to tell me they had made the appointment, they did not give me a specific doctor's name, just that I would be seeing one of four in the practice at 2:00 on August 2nd at the Cancer Center. Half hour after signing in at the Cancer Center, no one called us so I went to the desk to check. They asked if someone had called to confirm my appointment and I answered that no one had. Well, in my opinion, no one calling means that my appointment is still scheduled, right? Turns out that I was seeing the doctor, but not at the Cancer Center but at Central DuPage Hospital (a place neither Beni nor I have ever been). So, we got back to the car 45 minutes later and headed up Winfield Road to destination #2.

About an hour late we got to the office where we waited another half an hour or more to see the doctor. When she came in she was very nice and we spoke for a long time about treatment options. Here is what we decided:

I will have chemotherapy prior to surgery to shrink the tumor in my breast. I will have four chemo treatments of a drug known as AC over the course of eight weeks (once every two weeks). During that time, I can expect to lose my hair. So glad I was trying to grow it out. After that, I will have weekly TH chemo treatments, of something that the T stands for and Herceptin, that will last 12 weeks. Then I will take a three week break to get my blood counts ready for surgery. Then (as of now) a single mastectomy. If my BRAC test comes back positive, meaning I have the cancer gene, I may opt for a double mastectomy. Buh-bye girls! After surgery, I will continue the Herceptin treatment alone for one year. I will also have post-surgery radiation for 6 1/2 weeks, daily. I am going to be so sick of that darn Cancer Center in Warrenville!

One good thing that came out of today was that I was introduced to Central DuPage Hospital. What a beautiful hospital! It looks like a luxury hotel. Maybe I will have surgery there since both my surgeon and oncologist are affiliated with it. Anyone with either positive or negative feedback on experience with CDH, please let me know. Oh, another good thing was that we didn't get a ticket for parking in the employee garage. Since we had never been there before and since we were in a hurry, we parked there and didn't realize until we were heading into the hospital. We just kept our fingers crossed. Luckily, it worked out fine.

The bad part of the day is trying to contemplate what to do about work. I may start chemo as early as next week. School starts in two weeks. I will be losing my hair just in time to meet my new students. Not my idea of an ideal start to the school year. I only have 78 sick days (I will have 13 more after school starts) and there are 180 days of work. The idea of subs in and out of my room like a practically constant revolving door is almost unfathomable to someone as anal as me. How will my students respect me when I am gone so often? How will I be able to plan and grade papers when I am feeling like crap? If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am reeling with confusion right now. I can't afford to take more than those 78 days off or we will be broke. If I work, I am going to be stressed and possibly exposed to germs that could be harmful if my white blood cells go too low. Unfortunately, in my district, we don't have a sick day bank that I can take advantage of. At this point, I will just say my prayers tonight and try to get some sleep and make some phone calls in the morning to see if I can figure something out.


maryd131 said...

Fran - Check with TRS and HR...if you take the year off (after you show up the first day for those thirteen additional sick days), you may be eligible for short-term disability which would kick in after your sick leave is exhausted.I know there is a "waiting period" after sick leave is gone and your disability kicks in, and I don't know how long it is, but it is worth checking out.Disability pays 60% of your salary...not great, but better than nothing.

Julie said...

Maybe there is some way they can get you the same one or two subs? That would be better for the kids if it is possible.

Re: CDH, I will pass this on to my friend Elaine, both her parents had positive long term relations with that hospital.

Suvii said...

Oh Frannie,

I guess I have been under a rock and just saw your posts about your diagnosis! Please know that I will be sending much healing love and prayers your way! I know you can beat this! And I am so proud of you that you are keeping strong and so positive! Love you, my friend and if there is anything I can help with, please let me know!


Nancy said...

Fran...I was going to bring up the subject of short term disability too! You are correct about the "germ" thing. You really shouldn't be around a lot of people during this time. The effect of chemo is cumulative, too. By that 4th treatment, you might not bounce back quite as quickly as you will with the first treatment.
I will pray that you can come up with a solution that works!

Hang in there, Fran! Love you.

Tammy and Mark said...

It seems like every post you find something positive to say, and that is awesome and amazing to me!!! I was sorry to hear you will loose your hair. And I wish I had an answer to what you should do about teaching. It sounds like a leave of absense is not an opption but something that might be needed. We will pray about that for you. I know the Lord will take care of you and that things will work out as best as they can as you go through this. Love ya!

Liliy Ocon said...

Fran-No worries! I can assist you in any way that I can such as, grading, lesson planning, and with any moral support. Like we discussed earlier this week, I will be willing to sub for you. Hang in there. You will prevail. Love you!!

Anonymous said...

You Need to take the time off Fran ! you can't be around those kids for to long not now. go to back if you can and get the extra days then have your doctor put you on disability. This is time for you to take care of yourself hon.

love and hugs,