Monday, October 8, 2012
Boobs Are Not My Friends
After a double mastectomy at the end of January to ensure that cancer couldn't hurt us again, I lived with two, rock-hard, spheres that were a little too close to my armpits for comfort. They made it difficult to sleep, though I must say the ability and freedom to go bra-less all summer was liberating! I was so excited when the whole ordeal was going to be over and I was going to replace the rock-hard "expanders" with permanent, saline implants! Wrong. Even the fake ones have something against me!
I had what I thought would be my final reconstructive surgery on September 18th. I took a week off of work so that I could recuperate - even though the plastic surgeon told me I could go back to work as soon as the next day if I really wanted to. One week after the surgery, on Monday, September 24th I went to the doctor for my post-op visit and they said everything looked good. I still had a drain in either side, but was given the okay to return to work. I felt fine. My energy was good. Why not? I had told my district office that I'd only need one week and they agreed I wouldn't have to file for a new year of FMLA leave.
I went back to work on Wednesday. My students were happy to see me and I was happy to see them. They wanted to know how things went, and I shared my experience with them. It was homecoming week, so I was able to dress in ways that helped disguise my drains. On Friday, we had a pep assembly. Sitting toward the top of the bleachers, I began to feel flushed. I had felt this way almost every night since my surgery, but thought that was just a side-effect. I also was frustrated that I was assigned to the top bleachers where the trouble-makers sit while other teachers were not even IN their assigned spots. Whatever. As I drove home immediately after the assembly, I realized that my right breast was sore. It felt somewhat like when I had had breast infections while breast-feeding. I picked up my youngest son from school, stopped home for a quick pit-stop, and took both of the boys to swimming lessons. The pain and temperature got worse. I called the surgeon as soon as I got home. I explained that I'd been back to work for three days and that I felt similar to when I'd had breast infections in past. The doctor said it was probably over-exertion. He told me to take it easy over the weekend and rest and he'd see me first thing on Monday morning. I slept most of Friday night and Saturday, feeling feverish and sore. I felt a little better on Sunday and then went for my appointment on Monday morning.
The physician's assistant took one look at my breast and was certain I had an infection. She was going to give me a stronger dose of antibiotics to take but wanted to call the surgeon who was in another office just to get his opinion. When she came back into the room she said he wanted me to check in at the hospital where he wanted them to give me some stronger IV antibiotics. I asked how long I'd be there and she said it would at least be over night.
I called Beni to let him know what was going on, called work to let them know things weren't looking good and I probably wouldn't be in all week. I drove home to get some clean undies and a book and my laptop and headed back to the hospital. I checked in and was taken to a room. It seemed to take forever to get an actually IV hooked up to me. My veins are in hiding, so finding a good one took a while. Then, because it was such an unexpected admission, it took forever for the nurses to figure out what exactly my surgeon wanted. I was given alternating does of Zocyn and Vankomyocin (sp). During the first round of the V-stuff, I realized I had a slight allergy to it. It made my scalp and neck and chest itch like CRAZY! Like no amount of scratching was bringing any relief. From then on, I was given a healthy dose of Benadryl along with it, which of course made me fall asleep. That went on until Wednesday morning when the doctor came to check me out for a second time, and seeing no improvement, decided he'd remove the infected implant, clean out the "pocket" and put in a clean implant.
So, fifteen days after the reconstructive surgery, I was back in the OR. I stayed in the hospital until Thursday, the 4th and then came home where I await nervously.
This was supposed to be the easy part. I was supposed to have my last surgery and be on my merry way. Now, I think I am more nervous than at any time in the entire experience (with the exception of the diagnosis itself) because there is no knowing whether or not another infection can occur. Granted, I am trying to stay hopeful and I have not had any of the evening flushes or slight temperatures I had the first time around, so I am taking that as a positive sign.
I have found a healthy respect for boobs, both real and fake and I'm hoping the fake ones residing in my body right now take it easy on me. It's kind of like Beni's cell-phone ring-tone from "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly". I'm at one end of the road, my boobs at the other, guns drawn. Hopefully, at some point in the next few days, we'll lower our guns, slowly approach each other and shake hands.
Friday, September 21, 2012
The End is Near!
Raditation ended at the end of May. It was a simple, painless process that left me with a tan square around my right breast and a somewhat bad burn under my right armpit that fortunately cleared up in time for me to wear a one shoulder dress for my nephew's wedding on June 16th. I had to use a vaseline-like cream on my breasts every day to keep the skin soft and supple.
Again, the people at the CDH Cancer Center in Warrenville were outstanding! I never got tired of going there, even though it was an every weekday occurrence. They are so friendly and positive and throughout this entire process, if I've learned anything, it's that staying positive is key!
My summer was quiet and relaxing. I still went for infusions of Herceptin every three weeks but there are not side-effects with this medicine and it IS my life-saver. Because of it, my tumor shrunk down to nothing before my mastectomy. In mid-August, I went back to my plastic surgeon and he was impressed at how great my skin looked thanks to daily doses of the vaseline-like cream, which I hated using because it was sticky and gross, but obviously did its job. At that point we scheduled reconstruction surgery for September 18th.
I was a little worried that after the surgery my "Summer of Freedom" would be over. I was able to go bra-less since January and it was AWESOME! I thought the new breasts would be jigglier, but really they are not and I will be able to continue to go bra-less if I choose! Yay! Gotta take the perks wherever you can find 'em!
The surgery went well and my surgeon was especially excited with my results. I saw "the new girls" for the first time yesterday and they do look pretty good. The surgery involved getting the rock-hard expanders removed, putting in the permanent implants which are garaunteed for the next 30 years, a little liposuction to remove some belly fat to use around the implants to make them look more natural. I currently have two drains which must stay in for about a week. Fingers crossed that they can come out on Monday and I can go back to work on Wednesday. I have to keep my the stitches below each breast dressed and clean but those should dissolved on their own. I have stitches in a few places on my upper chest where the surgeon injected the belly fat, and those will be removed in his office in a couple of weeks. Therefore, I still look a little like Frankenstein, but when the stitches are gone and the marker drawings washed off, I will post a before and after pic - in a tank top of course!
At my Sept. 13th Herceptin infusion, I learned that my next visit will be my last! After that, all I will need is to get my nipples tattooed and I will be DONE!
When I think about all that has happened in the last year, it blows my mind. At this time, one year ago, I was bald and feeling sick every weekend. I sometimes become nauseated just remembering. I am so grateful for all the support and love I got throughout this journey. I will be missing the Walk for the Cure this year - only because it is happening this weekend and I didn't know how I'd feel to walk a 5K after surgery - but get those donations ready for next fall!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Radiation Begins
On the 18th I had my first treatment. They had to take a few x-rays before doing the actual treatment, so it took a little longer than it typically would. The following day I went in again. When I lay on the table, the song, "Call Me" by Blondie came on. I was done just as the song was ending. Quick and painless. I have five more weeks of this, daily. The stickers are still on, but they said they'd give me dot tattoos after the first few treatments, once they knew for sure everything was lining up as it should be. I'm actually looking forward to knowing how the tattoo gun will feel.
I have to give credit to the great employees at CDH Cancer Center in Warrenville. I would never wish cancer on anyone, but I highly recommend the place if anyone ever is diagnosed. The nurses and technicians in both the chemo and radiation departments are wonderful! They are the kind of people that make me think, "I could see myself hanging out with these people." I really think I'll miss them when I won't see them anymore. I used to think I'd get sick of that place, but to date, that has not been the case.
For anyone who didn't see the news on Facebook, our family got a new addition on March 11th. The boys got a furry, four-legged little sister, Luna. She is a Shitzu/Chihuahua/Terrier mix and the cutest little wiry, white puppy with tan spots and ears. We love her! Well, most of us do. Beni takes no responsibility for her since he didn't want her (though he does let her out once in a while) and Frankie likes her one minute but is jealous of her and hates her the next. She has a super-sweet disposition and like her "mama" she loves napping, especially in the sunshine! She's my snuggle-buddy.
Hopefully radiation will go on without a hitch, but I will try to update again in the next couple of weeks.
Friday, March 9, 2012
An Unbelievable Show of Love and Appreciation
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Back by Popular Demand

Friday, February 10, 2012
Prayers Answered with a Small Miracle
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Recuperation Update
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Surgery, Recovery, Hair Update and More!

Monday, January 30, 2012
Goodbye, Girls!
Goodbye, Girls [sung to the tune of Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks]
Fran and her boobs were the best of friends,
From ten until 42,
With Victoria Secret push-up bras,
She was happy with a B, 32,
After getting married they stayed the same,
Beni was a big fan, too,
Life was good for Fran, you see, while she had her girls.
It was almost two years after she got married,
Fran started feelin’ sick,
She was pregnant for the first time,
And her girls were gettin’ big.
Beni was excited to see them grow,
The bigger the better, he’d say,
Fran went from a B to C,
But there’d be more expansion some day.
A second baby came along and the girls went strong,
Another whole cup size they grew.
Then eight years later, after cancer invaded,
It didn’t take long to decide
The girls had to die, goodbye girls!
That carcinoma? Oh yeah, it’s over, girls!
You’re killin’ me? I’m gonna set you free, girls!
It’ll be best, when you’re off my chest, girls!
It was July of 2011,
When Fran got the bad news,
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma,
This was a fight she couldn’t lose.
After lots of bloodwork and lots of tests,
And a couple biopsies,
Eighteen rounds of chemotherapy,
She was fighting this disease.
After one full month of recuperating,
It was time for surgery,
Though the cancer was only on one side,
It didn’t take long to decide,
Both girls had to die! Goodbye, girls!
You tried to kill; your blood’s gonna spill, girls!
I’ll get re-racked, after you’re attacked, girls!
My new set, will be better, I’ll bet, girls!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Latest Obsession

Sunday, January 15, 2012
Something Sweet, Surgery Date and a Hair Update

Hopefully by the time my recovery time from surgery is over and I go back to work my hair will be long enough to color and I can get rid of the wig! My new concern is my eyebrows and eyelashes. I find myself staring at other people's eyelashes with envy. Every day I look in the mirror, hoping for some sign of new growth, but nothing.