I took a break from blogging for a couple of days, but I hope that none of my avid readers were alarmed. It was just a busy week, with work starting on Thursday and I came home exhausted and really uninterested in spending time on the computer.
Wednesday was a crazy, hectic day. I slept in a bit and got myself ready and gave the boys lunch and from there we did running around all afternoon. We started at Target to get a birthday gift, followed by "Meet the Teacher" at the boys' school. They each met their teachers and were able to drop off all of their school supplies in their classrooms and see where they would be sitting. Then we headed out the playground for free ice-cream. From there we drove to my school district's reprographic department to place an order for 1,000 junior English grammar workbooks. Then we went home, so the boys could change into their swimsuits and go to the bathroom. Then it was off again to the CDH Cancer Center for my shot of Neulasta. I have to go get this the day after each chemo treatment. Neulasta tells my bone marrow to produce white blood cells faster than they usually would. One of the side effects can be bone pain. After the shot the boys had swimming lessons and then, FINALLY, we were home for good.
My first night after chemo was a little uncomfortable, but only because I was a stickler for what "nausea" meant. I didn't feel like throwing up, but I kept waking up with acid reflux. I ended up getting up and sleeping on the couch for a while. When I went in for the Neulasta I talked to the nurse practitioner about my symptoms and she said to go ahead and take the nausea meds for heart burn type symptoms, too. She was right. Thursday night I was able to sleep better, though I kept waking up wondering if I would be completely immobilized with bone pain in the morning. This was, luckily, not the case.
On Thursday morning - my first day back to work for teacher meetings - I got up and felt relatively good. No bone pain, no nausea. As I was getting ready, I felt a little stiffness in my back and neck, so I took two Extra Strength Tylenol and that worked instantly. When I got to work, I took a nausea pill and that got me through the day, though it made me feel very sleepy. I came home Thursday and just took a nap. I felt hot all night long, but otherwise, okay. "My own personal summer," as my mom would call it.
Now, I am taking the nausea pill and two Extra Strength Tylenol before bed every night and waking up fine. Friday was another long day of meetings, which I was certain I would fall asleep during, but luckily didn't. Came home and napped for an hour and then took the boys to their last (thank goodness!) swimming lesson for a while. Then I just laid around. When Beni came home, I told him it felt like the air conditioner wasn't working. Sure enough, it wasn't. When it rains, it pours, I tell ya!
Today was Saturday, and I tried my darndest to see how I would feel without any meds. Honestly, besides a slight nausea headache, I felt fine. I did a lot of laundry with breaks between folding and putting away and paid some bills. I took a nice long nap, but woke up with a headache for which I took some Tylenol. I told Beni, I just feel weak, like I have a stomach flu but without the stomach flu symptoms. Just weakness and a slight headache. So far this is definitely manageable, but the idea of dealing with this daily for the next year is trying. One day at a time.